Sustainable Finance Training

Description of the service

As an accredited training organisation since 2019, EthiFinance, a specialist in sustainable finance and an expert in ESG data, provides training in sustainable finance to investment and finance players in order to help them understand the various issues shaping this market and ESG regulations at French and European levels.

EthiFinance provides a wide range of training courses, the format and content of which can be adapted to the needs and expectations identified - from one-hour courses to courses lasting several days.

These can be delivered remotely or face-to-face. They can be delivered in English as well as French.

Moreover, thanks to its experience in consulting, EthiFinance can provide training on different asset classes and themes, and has recognised expertise in ESG integration and understanding of regulatory and market issues in sustainable finance for private equity, private debt, real estate assets and listed asset management.

EthiFinance's expertise

EthiFinance assists its clients on various subjects. Various training courses are already included in our catalogue:

General training courses

Training by asset class/type of management

Thematic training

EthiFinance can also design other tailor-made training courses at the request of its clients, based on its various areas of expertise.

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