
Retrouvez l'analyse de nos experts dans nos publications

Carbon Price

The issue of carbon pricing is emerging as a crucial issue in the transition to a decarbonized economy, and raises several questions, on the application of the carbon price for economic and financial actors, the price level to be set, its determin...

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Publié le : 16/03/2022

Cash circulation and fundamental credit risk analysis

Fundamental credit risk analysis typically relies on the analysis of the industry & business position along with the financial risk assessment. Many MCS may however be confronted with difficulties repatriating the cash owned by their foreign subsi...

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Publié le : 08/12/2021

Nouveau rapport RTS SFDR

Le 22 Octobre 2021 les trois ESAs (European Supervisory Authorities – EBA, EIOPA, ESMA) ont publié la tant attendue version finale des Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) du Règlement SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation).

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Publié le : 03/11/2021

GAIA S2 proofread - Improving working conditions

At a time of continuing confinement, it seems relevant to us to look at the 2019 data concerning measures for adapting workstations and working conditions. Out of 900 European companies analyzed by GAIA, nearly 500 (or 55%) confirmed that they had...

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Publié le : 17/09/2021


Some governance practices are explained by companies as the idiosyncratic consequences of their history and their shareholding structure. It is indeed common to see strategic committees among state-owned companies as well as founders being both ch...

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Publié le : 17/09/2021