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Following the acquisition in February 2022 of the Spanish rating agency Axesor, EthiFinance operated under two rating licences: EthiFinance Ratings and Qivalio. In line with the rationalisation of its brands and for greater transparency and clarity, EthiFinance therefore applied to ESMA to withdraw its Qivalio licence on 29 November 2022.All [...]

Le 17 janvier dernier, Diane Fleury, Tessa Zaepfel et Isabelle Joulin vous prĂ©sentaient le webinaire “Article 29 LEC : 9 points indispensable pour un rapport conforme”. Pour le voir ou le revoir, rendez-vous sur notre chaine Youtube. Et pour tĂ©lĂ©charger la prĂ©sentation, le lien est disponible sur cette page (en [...]

ConfrontĂ©es Ă  des risques climatiques de plus en plus matĂ©riels et des exigences rĂšglementaires renforcĂ©es, les PME/ETI se doivent de mettre en place des dĂ©marches structurĂ©es et ajustĂ©es.L’équipe EthiFinance en charge de l’accompagnement extra-financier aux entreprises a conçu Ă  leur intention une solution compacte combinant un diagnostic (sous forme de [...]

Monitoring controversies is key in the analysis of ESG company performance. Information on social climate, company reputation, incidents, and accidents is now crucial to enable banks, financial institutions, and insurers primarily to monitor the risk in their client companies’ portfolios (credit risk, claims risk, reputation risk, etc.). Since the official [...]

Rating rationale EthiFinance Ratings reaffirms BBB+ its long-term corporate rating and instrument rating at BBB+ for Bellon S.A. and the company’s €200m NEU MTN instrument. EthiFinance Ratings also reaffirms its SR1 short-term rating on the €500m NEU CP instrument of Bellon S.A. Credit profile On the one hand, our rating [...]

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