Our Latest Publications

Au cours du mois dernier, EthiFinance a organisé 4 webinaires sur la performance ESG des petites et moyennes entreprises européennes en 2023. Les webinaires ont porté sur notre rapport analysant plus de 2 000 PME européennes dans 16 secteurs. Des insights inédits ont été fournis sur les tendances triennales de [...]

Over the past month, EthiFinance has held 4 webinars on the ESG performance of European small- and midsized companies in 2023. The webinars covered our report analysing more than 2,000 European SMEs across 16 sectors. Insights were provided into 3-year trends in sustainability performance, including sectoral and geographical comparisons, as [...]

El pasado mes, EthiFinance realizó 4 webinars sobre el “Desempeño en Sostenibilidad de las compañías europeas medianas y pequeñas”. El objetivo fue presentar el último informe de EthiFinance, basado en la evaluación de Rating ESG 2023, el cual aborda las siguientes temáticas: · El desempeño en sostenibilidad de 2000 PYMEs [...]

Environmental change related to human activities has become a major systemic risk that financial institutions must take into account. While climate-related regulations have emerged, and with them the need to estimate the effects of climate change and transition efforts on economies and financial stability, the more global issue of nature [...]

Annual EthiFinance Small- & Midcap ESG Ratings Analysis Our report gives deep insight into the sustainability performance of around 2000 European small- and midsized companies. Main take-aways from our report: 1) Small and medium sized companies are on the rise in sustainability performance, surely pushed by the EU’s efforts to [...]

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