Solicited Sustainability Assessments

Our solicited sustainability assessments result in a detailed report and are based on a comprehensive document review and qualitative interviews. We also deliver shorter ESG Ratings based on our non-solicited ESG rating and scoring methodology, and we carry out EU Taxonomy Alignment Assessments as well as Climate Scorings.

Comprehensive, on-demand evaluation of corporate sustainability performance (Environmental, Social and Governance)

Companies and organisations that wish to obtain a comprehensive understanding of their ESG performance mandate us with solicited sustainability assessments. We provide four distinct types of on-demand assessments: 

Sustainability Performance Assessments: In-depth evaluations of organisations’ sustainability performance, based on our proprietary assessment methodology with a double materiality lens. Companies appreciate our Sustainability Performance Assessment reports as a tool for communicating to their shareholders and other stakeholders, as well as a management tool to identify areas with potential for continuous improvement.  

Solicited ESG Ratings: Concise on-demand evaluation of corporate ESG performance, based on the same proprietary methodology and process as our unsolicited ESG Ratings that measure the ESG maturity of an organisation. Clients who trust us with these ratings are usually issuers that wish to integrate our ESG Ratings database or who need a detailed analysis of their ESG performance with a fast turn-around, notably for IPOs or investor roadshows.  

Climate Scoring: Detailed assessments of an organisation’s climate strategy resulting in a dedicated climate performance score. Our Climate Scorings assess the main components of a sound climate strategy and management, as highlighted by regulatory frameworks (CSRD / ESRS) and standards (TCFD, ICMA, CBI…). 

EU Taxonomy Alignment Assessment: Detailed assessment of a company’s alignment and eligibility for the EU Taxonomy. Our analysis is based on a detailed documentation analysis as well as a series of internal interviews. The resulting scores of eligibility and alignment are a valuable tool both for investor communication and internal improvement processes. 

Client benefits

Our Solicited Sustainability Assessments provide important insights into an organisation’s sustainability performance and represent powerful tools for internal and external management and communication.  

Participate in your ESG Ratings

Through engaging with EthiFinance, you will be part of the assessment process and get an in-depth understanding of our methodologies and processes. You can ensure that we understand your business model, positioning and ESG maturity.

Communicate to your stakeholders and investors

Our assessment reports are valuable communication tools to showcase the sustainability maturity of your organisation.

Gain valuable insights for managing your CSR strategy

Our detailed reports enable you to identify your key areas of improvement and to communicate internally on your sustainability management performance. 

Interact with our ESG analysts

Our ESG research team is based in our European offices (Germany, France and Spain), and our analysts can interact with you in English, French, German and Spanish. Our senior sector experts have a long-standing experience of evaluating and supporting European companies/organisations.

Use Cases

Our clients use our Solicited Sustainability Assessments as internal management tools or externally to communicate on ESG performance.
Corporate Sustainability Management
Our assessment reports provide clients with a tool that gives them a comprehensive understanding of their sustainability performance. This allows them to detect areas of potential for improvement in different ESG areas.​ The results can also be used for setting management incentives and follow up on improvements over time.
Reporting to shareholders and other stakeholders
Our assessment reports are used by clients to communicate externally on their sustainability performance. Investors are especially interested in detailed ESG information when engaging with invested companies or taking initial investment decisions. Providing them with a third-party evaluation report helps show how the company is positioned against peers and regulation.


Our Sustainability Performance Assessment is based on a proprietary reference framework that follows the structure defined by ISO 26000, split into three levels:  

  1. ESG Pillars (Governance, Social, Environment, External Stakeholders) 
  1. Themes (e.g. functioning of governing bodies, business ethics, risk management…) 
  1. Associated objectives (e.g. ensuring ethical business conduct).  


The framework also includes the ten ESRS defined by the CSRD Directive and is usually adapted to the assessed company’s specificities (company size, sector…). 

Each associated objective is analysed on three aspects: 

  • Framework (policies, targets, governance) 
  • Implementation of objective 
  • Performance (KPIs, improvements over time, controversies) 


The assessment outcome is expressed in assessment scores on a scale from 0 to 100 and associated with a level of ESG management performance (limited, moderate, advanced, exemplary). 

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