Our Network

EthiFinance is affiliated with a number of prominent financial markets and industry associations, both nationally and internationally. We also work with qualified business partners across Europe. Our commercial network includes ESG data providers, research providers, software providers and distributors of our products and services.

Our institutional network 

EthiFinance is connected to financial markets and industry associations both on a national and international level. We are a founding member of the European Association of Credit Rating Agencies (EACRA) – a platform for cooperation and discussion for credit rating agencies across Europe. The association was established in November 2009 and has eleven members, each with deep roots in their respective markets, a high market share and a good reputation among local investors.

We are a founding member of the European Association of Sustainability Rating Agencies (EASRA). Launched in Paris, France, in the spring of 2023, the association aims to become the representative body of a new generation of European service providers in the field of sustainable finance. EASRA members are committed to transparency, rigor, independence and the promotion of double materiality.

EthiFinance is a signatory of the PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment), a member of major French investment associations and an active member of European and local Social Investment Forums.

Our commercial network

EthiFinance is connected to business partners across Europe. Our commercial network includes ESG data providers, research suppliers, software providers and distributors of our products and services.

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