EthiFinance Ratings is launching three new methodologies: Investment Holding, Social Housing Providers, and Commercial Real Estate Transactions

The Request for Comment period launched on 8 July 2022 for EthiFinance Ratings’ three new methodologies on Social Housing Providers Ratings, Investment Holding Ratings and Commercial Real Estate Transactions Ratings has lapsed, with the consultation closing on 25 August.

No comments have been received for this notice during the open period. The final versions are expected to be published and implemented in Q4 2022.

These proposed new methodologies cover the following new asset classes: i) Investment Holdings: a legal entity, or a group, with the primary purpose of owning a portfolio of investments. ii) Social Housing Providers: a legal entity, or a group, operating as an owner and operator of social housing, iii) Commercial Real Estate Transactions: a self-financing special-purpose vehicles (SPVs) or holding companies with activity limited to ownership of an SPV whose debt is serviced via the rental income generated by the underlying real estate asset or via the disposal of the asset, or a mix of both.

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